A walk around a Thames side church. Chalk white, flint grey and brick red are the colours that expose this wall to my camera. Sweeps and arcs are blended into the constructed divine rectangles.
The colour of the Summer grasses range from yellow-ochres to lush, verdant greens and forms a contrasting background to the vibrant purple-pink ragged-crowns of the knapweed that dot the field.
In the warm Mediterranean soil the Pistache grow in abundance. When a branch of the pistachio tree dies back or experiences stress, its leaves often turn a fiery red or orange hue.
Turquoise waters lap the weathered rocks on the Ionian shore. Through the blue transparency the stones on the beach show their textured pinks and pastel shades. Shapes are composed in the golden rectangles and filled with the colours from the focussed view.
Many varieties of wild flowers cover the ungrazed meadow, but noticeable are the lavender coloured Pincushion flowers that are raised above all with their long stems.
Sea water colour drifting towards the shore. Ripples far become waves over the floor. Light mixes the blues and greens into turquoise shades and flashes.
On still days the sea at the shore shows through like dimpled glass, the rounded pebbles. The smoothed stones remember the storms that ground away their roughness.
Viewing the Ionian Sea from our beach places. The waves are sometimes still but sometimes confused. The greens of the olive groves and the blue of the sky colour the surface; now poured into the shapes of this geometry construct.